False Friends (Falsos Cognatos) – Advise/Aviso

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series False Friends

( False friends or false cognates are words that look the same in different languages, but which actually have different meanings.)


Today’s false friends actually have some similarity, but you cannot use  them as direct translations of one another. Both Advise and Avisar are verbs, and both of these words relate to giving someone else information. However, the type of information is not exactly the same. Advise is an English word which means to give information, counsel or tips to another person. The information can be either positive or negative. Avisar is a Portuguese word which means “to warn.”

Advise – Give Counsel

I advise you to buy a new car. Yours is too old.

I didn’t know where to eat, until my boss advised me about a new Italian restaurant.

Avisar – Give a warning

She warned me that it was not the right time to laugh.

Ela me avisou que não era o momento certo para rir.


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